Get help to understand your NIPSCO bill
Our bill was designed with you in mind. The interactive bill below allows you to get a better understanding of the features and charges on your bill so you know you're getting the value you deserve out of your NIPSCO service.
Click or tap on the bill sections below for details

Why is your account number important?
Your account number is one of the most important pieces of information on your bill. Having your account number handy when you contact us makes it easier to verify your account and identity for security reasons.
You can also use your account
number to create a self-service account in our My Account portal where you can manage your service and account. You can do things like:
- Make a payment
- View your usage history
- Enroll in Paperless billing, AutoPay, or Budget Plan
- Manage your billing & payment and outage alerts
- Manage your email preferences
- Start, Stop or Move service

We're here for you
Contact us immediately for gas leaks or odors of gas. We're available 24/7 for emergencies. Get to a safe place and call 1-800-634-3524 to report a natural gas emergency or 1-800-464-7726 to report electric lines down or a power outage.
Visit us online at to make payments and access your account.
Mail payments to:
P.O. BOX 13007
Merrillville, IN 46411-3007
There are also authorized payment locations throughout our service territory where you can pay your bill. Find an authorized payment location.

Report a power outage
To report an electric power outage, call us at
How to detect natural gas
If you smell a rotten-egg-like odor, you could have a gas leak. Natural gas is naturally colorless and odorless. We add an odorant called mercaptan to natural gas, which gives it a distinctive smell, similar to rotten eggs or sulfur.
In some cases, you can also identify natural gas by sight or sound. If you see blowing dirt, bubbling water or dead vegetation, or hear a hissing or roaring sound, that could be caused by natural gas.
Follow these tips if you detect natural gas:
1. Stop what you’re doing
Don't smoke or light a match. Don't open the windows. Don’t use anything that could cause a spark, like a phone, light switch, appliance or flashlight. Don’t start your car or use your garage door to leave.
2. Leave the area immediately
If you're inside, get out immediately. If you're outside, leave the area quickly.
3. Call 911 and us
From a safe location, away from the building, call 911 and our emergency number at
Always call 8-1-1 before you dig
If you're planning a home or landscaping project, call Indiana 811 at 8-1-1 at least two business days before digging. A representative will mark the approximate location of underground utility lines for free.

Account profile
The Account Profile section of your bill will show you the name of the primary account holder, Account Number, Service/Mailing Address, and Type of Customer.
The Type of Customer section is an easy place to see what billing & payment programs you are currently enrolled in, such as CHOICE, Paperless billing, AutoPay or Budget Plan.
Login to our My Account portal to make a payment or manage your enrollments in our billing & payment programs (AutoPay, Paperless, Budget, Payment Plans, etc).

Account summary
The Account summary section of your bill gives you information on:
- Previous amount due from your last bill
- Recent payments received
- Budget plan amount (if applicable)
- Current balance
- Charges for gas service this period
- Current charges due with due date
This bill section will also tell you your AutoPay payment and payment date, budget plan information (if applicable), and payment plan information (if applicable) along with other financial information related to your bill.

Stay in the know
The message board on your bill is helpful to stay in the loop with special programs, programs and offerings at NIPSCO. The message board will also let you know if there may be any important changes coming to your account or at NIPSCO. This message board may change each month, so it's important to read it for every bill you get.

Ways to pay your bill
We offer a variety of payment methods for you to pay your bill. You can pay your bill using the following options:
- Website
- Mobile App
- Over the phone at 1-800-464-7726
If you need to mail in your check, fold the bill at the perforation, detach and return the coupon with your payment to:
P.O. Box 13007
Merrillville, IN 46411-3007

Why is your account number important?
Your account number is one of the most important pieces of information on your bill. Having your account number handy when you contact us makes it easier to verify your account and identity for security reasons.
You can also use your account number to create a self-service account in our My Account portal where you can manage your service and account. You can do things like:
- Make a payment
- View your usage history
- Enroll in Paperless billing, AutoPay, or Budget Plan
- Manage your billing & payment and outage alerts
- Manage your email preferences
- Start, Stop or Move service

Helpful definitions
We want to ensure you know what you are paying for on you monthly bill statement. Check out the glossary of terms below to help you understand the detailed charges on your bill.
Gas service detail charges
Interstate Pipeline - This component is the cost that NIPSCO pays to transport natural gas through the interstate pipelines to NIPSCO's own system.
Storage Charge - This component is the cost that NIPSCO pays interstate pipeline carriers to store customer’s gas supply purchased from suppliers to NIPSCO’s own system of delivery service pipelines or storage facilities.
Gas Delivery Charge - The natural gas delivery charge is the price NIPSCO charges customers to deliver natural gas, through its distribution system to your home or business.
Gas Commodity Charge - The portion of your bill based on your energy consumption.
Indiana Utility Tax Receipts - This tax is imposed on the taxable gross receipts of an entity providing the retail sale of utility services for the taxable year. Utility services are defined as providing electrical energy; natural gas (other than propane or liquefied petroleum gas) used for heat, light, cooling, or power; water; steam; sewage; or telecommunications. In addition, Indiana State Sales Tax will apply to your bill. On March 16, 2022, House Enrolled Act 1002 was signed into law, removing the Utility Receipts Tax from utility bills for usage beginning July 1, 2022. This removal is approximately a 1.46% reduction in your monthly gas bill. For a typical gas residential customer utilizing 69 therms per month, this means an approximate savings of $16.76 per year.
Electric service detail charges
Electric Customer Charges - The Customer Charges covers basic costs associated with providing service.
Electric Energy Use Charges - These charges are calculated based on your monthly usage. Fuel Charges incurred in the generation and acquisition of electricity are passed through to customers without markup.
Indiana Utility Tax Receipts - This tax is imposed on the taxable gross receipts of an entity providing the retail sale of utility services for the taxable year. Utility services are defined as providing electrical energy; natural gas (other than propane or liquefied petroleum gas) used for heat, light, cooling, or power; water; steam; sewage; or telecommunications. On March 16, 2022, House Enrolled Act 1002 was signed into law, removing the Utility Receipts Tax from utility bills for usage beginning July 1, 2022. This removal is approximately a 1.46% reduction in your monthly electric bill. For a typical electric residential customer utilizing 700kWh per month, this means an approximate savings of $20.36 per year.

Legal information
As a NIPSCO customer, legal information is available upon request at 1-800-464-7726 or online at

View your energy usage
This section shows you the 13 month usage history at your service address. Your usage will change throughout the year based on your general activity at home and seasonal weather.
You can also login to the My Account portal to view your energy use online.

View your energy usage
This section of your bill will show you the meter readings, number of days you were billed for, and a three month usage comparison. The weather typically impacts how much energy you use, so we include the monthly average temperature to help you understand why you used the energy you were charged for.

View your energy usage
This section shows you the 13 month usage history at your service address. Your usage will change throughout the year based on your general activity at home and seasonal weather.
You can also login to the My Account portal to view your energy use online.

Gas service detail charges
We want to ensure you know what you are paying for on you monthly bill statement. Check out the glossary of terms below to help you understand the detailed charges on your bill
Interstate Pipeline - This component is the cost that NIPSCO pays to transport natural gas through the interstate pipelines to NIPSCO's own system.
Storage Charge - This component is the cost that NIPSCO pays interstate pipeline carriers to store customer’s gas supply purchased from suppliers to NIPSCO’s own system of delivery service pipelines or storage facilities.
Gas Delivery Charge - The natural gas delivery charge is the price NIPSCO charges customers to deliver natural gas, through its distribution system to your home or business.
Gas Commodity Charge - The portion of your bill based on your energy consumption.
Indiana Utility Tax Receipts - This tax is imposed on the taxable gross receipts of an entity providing the retail sale of utility services for the taxable year. Utility services are defined as providing electrical energy; natural gas (other than propane or liquefied petroleum gas) used for heat, light, cooling, or power; water; steam; sewage; or telecommunications. In addition, Indiana State Sales Tax will apply to your bill. On March 16, 2022, House Enrolled Act 1002 was signed into law, removing the Utility Receipts Tax from utility bills for usage beginning July 1, 2022. This removal is approximately a 1.46% reduction in your monthly gas bill. For a typical gas residential customer utilizing 69 therms per month, this means an approximate savings of $16.76 per year.

Electric service detail charges
We want to ensure you know what you are paying for on you monthly bill statement. Check out the glossary of terms below to help you understand the detailed charges on your bill
Electric Customer Charges - The Customer Charges covers basic costs associated with providing service.
Electric Energy Use Charges - These charges are calculated based on your monthly usage. Fuel Charges incurred in the generation and acquisition of electricity are passed through to customers without markup.
Indiana Utility Tax Receipts - This tax is imposed on the taxable gross receipts of an entity providing the retail sale of utility services for the taxable year. Utility services are defined as providing electrical energy; natural gas (other than propane or liquefied petroleum gas) used for heat, light, cooling, or power; water; steam; sewage; or telecommunications. On March 16, 2022, House Enrolled Act 1002 was signed into law, removing the Utility Receipts Tax from utility bills for usage beginning July 1, 2022. This removal is approximately a 1.46% reduction in your monthly electric bill. For a typical electric residential customer utilizing 700kWh per month, this means an approximate savings of $20.36 per year.

Keep your contact information updated
Keeping your contact information updated is really important. By providing NIPSCO a telephone number, it enables us to call you about your utility service, future service appointments and other important information related to your account. By providing your phone number, you're agreeing to receive autodialed and prerecorded voice calls. Please notify us if you wish to opt out or if you no longer use this number.
Frequently asked questions
Where can I find out more information?
Is there a guide with general information for NIPSCO customers?
We understand that you may have questions about your service, billing or home safety. Read our customer handbook to learn more about being a NIPSCO customer.
Thank you for your response.
Do I need to make a deposit to open an account?
Depending on your credit report, you may be required to pay a security deposit to get service in your name. The deposit is security that the final bill will be paid. It can’t be used to pay current or delinquent bills. The deposit will be applied to your account after you establish a good payment history for 12 months or when you receive a final bill after you stop service.
Thank you for your response.
How do I establish a landlord and tenant relationship?
We can set up a relationship to automatically transfer service into a landlord's name when a tenant requests termination. Learn more on our Landlord Services page.
Thank you for your response.
Did customers have a voice in the review process?
Yes, customers had a voice in the process in multiple ways – through written comments to the Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor, at a public field hearing and via various consumer advocacy organizations that participate in the process. That input was received and factored into the lower than requested approved rates.
Thank you for your response.
Why now? Why do rates need to increase?
The goal of this adjustment, that underwent a nearly year-long review process, was to strike the right balance of cost and service in order to continue delivering on our commitments to customers.
NIPSCO’s last change in natural gas rates was in 2018. NIPSCO has been the lowest natural gas cost provider in Indiana on average over the last 10 years according to IURC comparisons (Source: Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s 2021 Residential Bill Survey).
In order to continue to deliver a safe, reliable supply of natural gas service, we must continue to invest in our system to upgrade aging infrastructure, just as investments are made in bridges, roads and other infrastructure in our cities, towns and communities. Costs to implement and complete these upgrades have increased.
NIPSCO is dedicated to continuously improving the safety of its operations. We see more opportunities to put safeguards and checks in place that provide high levels of safety. These additional safeguards and checks come with an increase in costs.
Thank you for your response.
How will residential electric bills be affected?
Newly proposed electric rates would be phased in over two steps in September 2019 and March 2020.
Under NIPSCO’s filing, an average residential customer using 690 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month would see an overall $11 per month increase in their monthly electric bill – or 12 percent per month.
Included as part of the overall bill change is a proposal to increase the existing, fixed monthly customer charge by $3 per month.
The projected change does not account for future changes that can occur outside of base electric rates – which could go up or down throughout a given year – such as fuel costs to run generating facilities and the cost of administering energy efficiency programs. Those costs still require regulatory oversight and approval.
Changes in rates for business customers will vary. Today, NIPSCO’s electric rates are below the national average.
Thank you for your response.
How will commercial and industrial customer bills be affected?
Maintaining competitive rates for businesses while supporting job growth and the local economy is important. Just as NIPSCO focuses on holding the line on costs for residential customers, it is important to maintain competitive electric rates for higher-usage customers as well.
The impact on individual commercial and industrial customers will vary depending on their usage patterns.
Thank you for your response.
When was the last time NIPSCO changed its electric base rates?
The last change was approved in 2016, and this new proposal would represent only the third such change in base rates in nearly 30 years.
Thank you for your response.
Are costs for charitable giving included in NIPSCO’s request?
No. NIPSCO is proud to support hundreds of charitable organizations across the communities it serves, but those costs are not part of this request.
Thank you for your response.
How has NIPSCO improved service to its customers?
It’s important for customers to understand what they’re paying for and that they’re getting a good value. NIPSCO’s plan highlights a range of improvements made in recent years that directly benefit customers, including:
- Providing electric rates below the national average
- Investing $535 million in the last five years in upgrades and improvements to modernize our electric infrastructure
- Making investments to minimize power outages and provide better overall response and information to customers during events
- Helping customers save 1.04 million megawatt hours since 2010
- Completing environmental upgrades to improve local air and water quality
Thank you for your response.
Does NIPSCO offer programs to help low-income customers?
Yes. Programs such as budget plans, summer cooling assistance, credit arrangements and income-qualified weatherization are currently available.
And, within NIPSCO’s proposal, the company also highlighted its commitment to working collaboratively to identify and create a new electric bill payment assistance and weatherization program for income-eligible electric customers.
Customers experiencing difficulty with their bill – regardless of their income – are encouraged to contact us to determine what help might be available to them.
Thank you for your response.
Does NIPSCO offer incentives for customers to be more energy efficient?
Yes. NIPSCO promotes a variety of programs and incentives designed to help all customers be more energy efficient, including free in-home energy assessments, equipment rebates, weatherization and more.
Thank you for your response.
Does increasing the fixed monthly customer charge discourage energy efficiency?
No. Just like today, customers who use less electricity in the future will spend less otherwise. And being energy efficient can continue to have a positive effect on a customer’s bill.
Today, residential customers pay a monthly customer charge of $14 – a separately itemized portion of the bill – which helps account for those fixed costs to maintain a customer regardless of usage (e.g., maintaining an electric system that serves customers, responding to emergencies, reading meters, maintaining account information, etc.).
Increasing the customer charge gives customers a clearer picture of how energy use affects their bill by better separating out the fixed portion of bills versus the portion that is variable.
Additionally, increasing the customer charge further stabilizes customer bills throughout the year, especially during the summer, when electric bills are typically higher because of warmer temperatures and increased usage.
Thank you for your response.
Does this request impact bills for natural gas customers?
Thank you for your response.
What is a rate case?
Unlike most companies, which can change the cost of their product/service overnight, regulated utilities like NIPSCO must submit a detailed request to change their rates. The request includes evidence to support the increase in costs and demonstrate how those dollars will be used fully to the benefit of customers.
This process is called a rate case, and NIPSCO’s approval must come from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission (IURC). Ultimately, the goal of the yearlong review process is to strike a balance on new rates that are fair to both customers and the company.
Thank you for your response.
How do I change the last name on my account?
If you need to update the last name listed on your NIPSCO account, please call us at 1-800-4NIPSCO (1-800-464-7726).
Thank you for your response.
Can I save money through the Budget Plan?
The Budget Plan is a great tool for spreading your winter heating and/or summer cooling costs more evenly across an entire year, although it’s not designed to reduce your total costs. It will allow you to know what you can expect to pay each month, and should allow you to have more spending money available. It’s easy to sign up, and it’s free.
Thank you for your response.
Why is my bill so high?
Your gas and/or electric bill will fluctuate depending on the weather, season of year, change in lifestyle or addition of family members. To understand your usage and learn how to save on your energy bill:
- Sign into your account.
- Select Meters & Usage.
- Compare your usage by month, year, average temperature and number of billing days.
Thank you for your response.
Have additional questions about your bill?
Call us at 1-800-4NIPSCO (1-800-464-7726) for other billing questions.
Thank you for your response.
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A video about what you can learn from your bill.
A fully regulated energy provider
We’re regulated by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other state and federal agencies. These organizations approve rate schedules and terms governing our operations.